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Coronal Mass Ejection
Catalog: M2M_CATALOG
Start Time: 2025-02-06T02:48Z ( SOHO: LASCO/C2 )
All Detecting Spacecrafts:
Activity ID: 2025-02-06T02:48:00-CME-001 (version 2)
Note Keyword:
DPL: CME exhibits dimpled front
FOV: Front Bright front; may be evidence of pileup
GAP: Data gap
Ha: Bright emission (likely H-alpha emission)
OFL: Outflowing material at the back of the CME
PRM: Prominence material (filamentary structures)
Source Signature Keyword:
OFL: Moving/Opening field lines
Morphology Keyword:
FS: Flux Rope and Shock Candidate
Note: CME seen to the SE fully in SOHO LASCO C2/C3, and to the S/SW potentially as a partial halo in STEREO COR2A after 2025-02-06T05:09Z, with the CME front already at the edge of its FOV when its beacon data downlink resumes. Due to this data gap timing in STEREO COR2A, the CME is observed in white light imagery but unresolvable in running difference imagery. Observed as a rapid snapping open and dimming of field lines over the SE limb centered ~S28, best observed in SDO AIA 171/193 around 2025-02-06T02:31Z and GOES SUVI 284 around 2025-02-06T02:34Z. Also observed in SDO AIA 304/GOES SUVI 304 as some filament ejecta. The far-sided nature of this CME is also corroborated via fitting in swpc_cat and the lack of an on-disk signature accompanying the field line movement.
Submitted on 2025-02-06T16:18Z by Tony
A Notification with ID
20250206-AL-003 was sent on 2025-02-06T16:28Z
The List of CME Analysis already entered: |
Event Type |
Catalog |
Measurement TypeCME measurement type: Leading Edge (LE), Shock Front (SH), Right Hand Boundary (RHB), Left Hand Boundary (LHB), Black/White Boundary (BW), Prominence Core (COR), Disconnection Front (DIS), Trailing Edge (TE). |
Prime?"primary flag" which is either True or False. If there are multiple CME analysis entries for a single CME, this flag would indicate which analysis is considered most accurate per measurement type. This is a helpful flag if you would like to download only one most accurate CME analysis per CME per Measurement Type |
Technique |
Long |
Lat |
Speed |
Type |
Half Width |
Time 21.5 |
Note |
WSA-ENLIL+Cone Result(s) |
Submitted By |
CME Analysis
true |
-150.0 |
-15.0 |
1633.0 |
O |
43.0 |
2025-02-06T04:43Z |
SHOCK measurement using only SOHO LASCO C2/C3 imagery, as STEREO COR2A beacon running difference imagery does not resolve this front after it resumes from a data gap at 2025-02-06T05:09Z, making triangulation within swpc_cat not possible with real-time imagery. Via visual fitting of this wide shock front, a range of E140-E155 is likely, as further longitudes in either direction make for a poor visual fit of the shock. |
1: Result 1 (2.0 AU)
BepiColombo = 2025-02-06T16:33Z
OSIRIS-APEX = 2025-02-07T10:58Z
Parker Solar Probe = 2025-02-07T06:04Z
Tony Iampietro on 2025-02-06T17:22Z |
CME Analysis
true |
-144.0 |
-18.0 |
1254.0 |
O |
42.0 |
2025-02-06T05:24Z |
BULK measurement using only SOHO LASCO C2/C3 imagery, as STEREO COR2A beacon running difference imagery does not resolve this front after it resumes from a data gap at 2025-02-06T05:09Z, making triangulation within swpc_cat not possible with real-time imagery. This measurement includes all lobes of the more dense bulk following the shock. |
1: Result 1 (2.0 AU)
BepiColombo = 2025-02-06T20:34Z
OSIRIS-APEX = 2025-02-07T16:50Z
Parker Solar Probe = 2025-02-07T13:59Z
Tony Iampietro on 2025-02-06T17:36Z |
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