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Coronal Mass Ejection
Catalog: M2M_CATALOG
Start Time: 2024-08-31T00:23Z ( STEREO A: SECCHI/COR2 )
All Detecting Spacecrafts:
Activity ID: 2024-08-31T00:23:00-CME-001 (version 1)
Note Keyword:
Faint: Faint event; may affect type assignment
GAP: Data gap
Source Signature Keyword:
OFL: Moving/Opening field lines
Morphology Keyword:
O: Other
Note: CME seen to the W in all coronagraphs, but best in STEREO COR2A. The source is not completely clear, and may be a part of some field line movement on/around the west limb in SDO AIA 171 beginning as early as 2024-08-30T18:22Z. This CME is notably extremely faint in SOHO imagery.
Submitted on 2024-08-31T20:27Z by Tony
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The List of CME Analysis already entered: |
CME Analysis
true |
Plane-of-sky |
0.0 |
999.0 |
C |
24.0 |
2024-08-31T04:00Z |
Analyzed as a STEREO COR2A Plane-of-Sky, with its plane of sky sitting at W114.03 at this time. Despite the speed, the CME front is quite diffuse in COR2A, and barely observable in SOHO LASCO C2 and especially C3 currently mid-campaign. There is too much uncertainty to be able to say for certain we are tracking the CME front properly between spacecraft. |
Not modeled
Tony Iampietro on 2024-08-31T20:33Z |
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